random thoughts on life and spirituality

We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. -Paul's First letter to the Thessalonians (2:8)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

3 streams

I'm blogging live...so forgive any mess ups...

Earl sees 3 streams of young pentecostals

1. loyalists--grew up in church, haven't moved on doctrinal distinctives, just ready to go work more

2. post distinctive leaders--love the movement but have a few qualms about doctrine like initial physical evidence
they're saying:
problem is i see non-tongue speakers flow in the gifts more than tongue speakers
"i've always struggled that we've made a doctrine out of a manifestation"
"give us some room to figure this out--without kicking us out"

3. post-denominationals--had it with abuses in the institutional church
left or are leaving the AG--often end up in house churches

Earl's pneumatology -- "more is good" Romans 15
if having the Spirit is good, more is always good

A question we must ask ourselves:
Are we doing anything dangerous enough to require the Spirit to show up?

young leaders are not looking for something to live for, they're looking for something to die for

pentecostalism must be more about the edge and less about the center
the church must be driven out of its Jerusalem (center) by the Spirit and to the people at the margins


  • At 8:47 AM, Blogger Paul said…

    Live blogging, very cool!

    Interesting thoughts, the 3 streams. If I had to choose, I'd have to say I fall in the post-distinctive leader stream.

    Sounds like its been a good learning time.

  • At 12:57 PM, Blogger Jeff said…

    although I am still on board with the doictrine, I think sometimes we've made it THE issue instead of AN issue. Besides, if it's the "initial" evidence...what is the "subsequent" evidence?

  • At 11:15 PM, Blogger Rho said…

    hey there..i'm a fellow life-long AG-er. without getting into a long diatribe about this subject, i'll ask but one question. don't you find it interesting that we are told to desire ALL of the spiritual gifts, but if we must desire one more than the others it should be the gift of prophecy - not tongues? (as referenced in 1 corinth. 14)

    how now then, can we base our doctrine on one gift that is actually a 'lesser' gift, according to our beloved apostle paul?

    interesting question, i've always thought.

    rho in PA


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