random thoughts on life and spirituality

We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. -Paul's First letter to the Thessalonians (2:8)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

OK, this has been historically controversial, but frankly, I don't care. I know firsthand its power in my own life.

What place does it have today? I want to see young adults filled with the power of God so they can live out this crazy faith of ours. Jesus is the baptizer, not me. And I want to depend on Him to see hundreds of young adults filled and overflowing with the power of God. Church isn't worth my time unless it's infused with the power of God.

Maybe a better question would be "what place should it have?" We've often moved it to the back porch when it should be on the front porch--not as a right of passage, but as an unashamed, empowered and empowering experience of the living God.


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