random thoughts on life and spirituality

We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. -Paul's First letter to the Thessalonians (2:8)

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Rubber dummies & Panera Hbg

So, the blogging has been a bit slow...perhaps because by the time I get home and get the kid to bed, it's too late and I'm too tired. It seems that there is never enought time to do all I want to do. Which also begs the question, "What had God called me to do?"

D heard something about when we invaded Europe and stormed Normandy. Apparently the military dropped rubber dummies on parachutes so the enemy would be distracted while shooting at them--not the real troops who were landing elsewhere. I wonder how often churches and ministries concentrate their firepower on rubber dummies...or how often I do...I don't want to get to the end of life and have Him say, you did a lot, but you missed whatt I wanted you to do. Discernment is the key issue here--God-given discernment...I'll continue praying for it for all of us...I belive I am where God wants me to be (big issue), but discernment in the little things (what to do today, which projects, etc.) often proves more difficult.

So, I'm in Harrisburg, PA today in my favorite place to eat on the road--Panera. Their coffee is above average, bagels are excellent and the free wifi is stupendous...I have a meeting with other young adult pastors in the AG in a little while..hopefully it'll be good fellowship--enriching our lives and ministries...

btw, the plant is abotu to go to a friend, anyone who wants cuttings, post or email me ASAP!

Monday, July 18, 2005

the BIG plant

Being eco-conscious my whole life, I feel obligated to have plants. While working as a lab tech at Delaware's NREC (natural resouces and environmental control) lab, someone gave me a pieve of a trunk of a similar sized plant. It really is an amazing plant. One piece of it--trunk, leaf, root--when kept wet will spawn another plant. Whenever we moved, all we need to do was take a pice and give the plant to a friend. Then we could re-start wherever we went. Well, time has come and the plant is looking for a new home. Maybe I'll part it out and send it to a bunch of friends.

It's funny how a plant like this can't seem to die when watered--except for a bug blight rleated to my wife's supervisor, an old orange and a refrigerator turned off for weeks...it makes me think of the spiritual side of all of us. My spiritual side is fueled by time alone with God, reading from the Bible and exploring the wonders and awe found in nature. When that water is supplied to my soul, I thrive like this plant. So, what keeps us from being watered? From helping others find water?

BTW, anyone want a plant? I'm focusing on smaller plants--Venus fly traps--and large, slow growing cacti now.

Let the blogging begin...

OK, I've finally given in to blogging. After several failed attempts at journaling (sorry Dick Peace!), I figured maybe this was the best way anyway. I can never find my journal and have gone digital in most other aspects of my life--which is easier for those of us who find ourselves a bit on the side of disorganized. Atleast my pile of sticky notes are all sync-d with my treo (a whole story in and of itself).

So, what's interesting in my life...not much. Perhaps the fear of an unread blog is what has kept me from beginning. Perhaps this is more an exercise of self-examination than anything else..perhaps, pehaps, perhaps...